There are several advantages to installing shower panels rather than tiling since, as is typical with PVC/Ply wall panels, they are far more durable and, in contrast to tiles, are less prone to shatter or fracture under impact.
Shower wall panels are a great choice for decorating because of their fashionable appearance and durability, but they're also considerably simpler to install, keep clean, and maintain.
Our shower panels may look just as wonderful around your bathroom or wet room as they do within your shower enclosure. Our shower panels provide a smooth appearance without the dreaded mouldy walls that frequently result from bathroom tiles since there is no need for grouting. Also, you can keep your panels dry and clean and they won't wind up needing too much time to maintain in a space where a lot of water and condensation might accumulate.
You can simply clean your walls with just a soft, non-abrasive cloth and a bowl of soapy water, giving particular attention to places that require a bit extra tender loving care. Just soak the area in soapy water for two to five minutes and then carefully wash it clean if you see any stain build up. After covering the area to be cleaned, wipe away any remaining streaks with a dry microfiber cloth.